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Legacy Natural includes NHTC and Source & Age (SAV)
Legacy Natural includes NHTC and SAV and is added at virtually no additional cost, but it has massive premium potential.
Since 2020, some of the highest and steadiest premiums have been for PVP Verified Natural Cattle.
Rather than making you jump through a bunch of unrealistic hoops, the Legacy Natural program is designed from a producers’ perspective while still giving you access to the natural designation.
This program goes “on top” of the NHTC programs. Like NHTC, you can’t administer hormones or beta-agonists, but antibiotics, animal by-products, and ionophores are also prohibited. (Colostrum and Coccidiostats are allowed.)
Of course, we know that you’re going to treat sick animals, so the program just requires that those few head that you treat, are identified and recorded so that they can be sorted from conforming animals. They will still qualify for NHTC and SAV, but will not be Natural.
Remember! Vaccines are allowed in all programs

Cattle may never receive antibiotics, animal by-products, ionophores, beta agonists, or hormones. Coccidiostats are allowed.

If some cattle get any of the above, they must be identified in a way which clearly indicates they no longer qualify for Legacy Natural.

Calves can receive colostrum within the first 3 days of birth. Customer must record date of birth and treatment days.

All Legacy Natural cattle must go through approved PVP Natural locations to maintain their certification.

What's Required to be Verified?

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